Source code for rdkit_utilities.rdmolops

from typing import List, Set, Union

import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem as rdChem

_RDPROP_ATOM_SMARTS = "_smarts_query"

[docs]def GetAtomNeighborIndices( mol: rdChem.Mol, centralAtomIndices: Union[Set[int], List[int]] = [], includeCentralAtoms: bool = True, numAtomNeighbors: int = 0, ) -> Set[int]: """ Get neighbor atom indices around specified core Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol centralAtomIndices: List[int] Central atoms to get neighbors around includeCentralAtoms: bool Whether to include the central atoms in the output numAtomNeighbors: int Size of shell around the central core. -1 returns all indices in the molecule; 0 returns no additional neighbors; 1 returns the first shell around the central core, and so on. Returns ------- Set[int] Set of neighbor atom indices around specified core """ central_atoms = set(centralAtomIndices) neighbor_atoms = set(central_atoms) if numAtomNeighbors < 0: neighbor_atoms = set(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) else: current_layer = central_atoms while numAtomNeighbors: new_layer = set() for index in current_layer: atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(index) for bond in atom.GetBonds(): new_layer.add(bond.GetOtherAtomIdx(index)) new_layer -= neighbor_atoms neighbor_atoms |= new_layer current_layer = new_layer numAtomNeighbors -= 1 if not includeCentralAtoms: neighbor_atoms -= central_atoms return neighbor_atoms
[docs]def OrderByMapNumber( mol: rdChem.Mol, clearAtomMapNumbers: bool = True, ) -> rdChem.Mol: """ Reorder RDKit molecule by atom map number. This returns a copy. Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol RDKit molecule clearAtomMapNumbers: bool Whether to set atom map numbers in the output molecule to 0 Returns ------- rdkit.Chem.Mol Output molecule. This is a **copy** of the input molecule. Example ------- :: >>> rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("[C:3][C:2][O:1]") >>> rdmol.GetAtomWithIdx(0).GetSymbol() 'C' >>> reordered = OrderByMapNumber(rdmol) >>> reordered.GetAtomWithIdx(0).GetSymbol() 'O' """ map_numbers = [atom.GetAtomMapNum() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()] order = list(map(int, np.argsort(map_numbers))) reordered = rdChem.RenumberAtoms(mol, order) if clearAtomMapNumbers: for atom in reordered.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(0) return reordered
[docs]def ReorderConformers( mol: rdChem.Mol, order: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], resetConfId: bool = True ): """Reorder conformers in-place by `order` Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol Molecule of interest order: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] New order. This should be indexed from 0, and is typically the output of `np.argsort`. If an index is not present in this list, the associated conformer is removed from the molecule. resetConfId: bool Whether to reset the conformer ID so they are sequential. """ conformers = [rdChem.Conformer(x) for x in mol.GetConformers()] mol.RemoveAllConformers() for new_index, current_index in enumerate(order): conformer = conformers[current_index] if resetConfId: conformer.SetId(int(new_index)) mol.AddConformer(conformer)
[docs]def KeepConformerIds(mol: rdChem.Mol, confIds: Union[List[int], np.ndarray]): """Remove conformers from `mol` except those in `confIds`""" conf_ids = [conf.GetId() for conf in mol.GetConformers()] to_remove = [x for x in conf_ids if x not in confIds] for confid in to_remove[::-1]: mol.RemoveConformer(confid)
[docs]def SubsetMol( mol: rdChem.Mol, atomIndices: List[int], reorder: bool = False, clear_atom_valences: bool = True, ) -> rdChem.Mol: """Return a subset of a molecule, as a copy""" mol = rdChem.RWMol(mol) all_indices = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) to_keep = [i for i in atomIndices if i in all_indices] to_delete = [i for i in all_indices if i not in to_keep] if reorder: new_order = tuple(to_keep + to_delete) mol = rdChem.RWMol(rdChem.RenumberAtoms(mol, new_order)) to_delete = range(len(to_keep), mol.GetNumAtoms()) for index in to_delete[::-1]: mol.RemoveAtom(index) if clear_atom_valences: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetNumRadicalElectrons(0) atom.SetNoImplicit(False) atom.UpdatePropertyCache() mol.UpdatePropertyCache() return rdChem.Mol(mol)
[docs]def AtomFromQueryAtom(atom: rdChem.QueryAtom) -> rdChem.Atom: """Convert Chem.QueryAtom to Chem.Atom""" # this is a separate function just in case I want to add in future... from .rdchem import SetPropsFromDict new_atom = rdChem.Atom(atom) new_atom.SetProp(_RDPROP_ATOM_SMARTS, atom.GetSmarts()) SetPropsFromDict(new_atom, atom.GetPropsAsDict()) return new_atom
[docs]def AtomToQueryAtom( atom: rdChem.Atom, strict: bool = False, includeIsotope: bool = True, ) -> rdChem.QueryAtom: """Convert Chem.Atom to Chem.QueryAtom""" from rdkit.Chem import rdqueries from .rdchem import SetPropsFromDict if atom.HasProp(_RDPROP_ATOM_SMARTS): q = rdChem.AtomFromSmarts(atom.GetProp(_RDPROP_ATOM_SMARTS)) else: # this is option #2 because it can infer implicit Hs # that were not originally there atom.UpdatePropertyCache(strict=True) # allHsExplicit is for when it dips to MolToSmiles when Smarts fails q = rdChem.AtomFromSmarts(atom.GetSmarts(allHsExplicit=True)) q.SetAtomMapNum(atom.GetAtomMapNum()) # TODO: investigate including other properties # like H count and stuff if includeIsotope: iso = atom.GetIsotope() if strict or iso: qiso = rdqueries.IsotopeEqualsQueryAtom(iso) pattern = qiso.GetSmarts().strip("[]") if pattern not in q.GetSmarts(): q.ExpandQuery(qiso) props = atom.GetPropsAsDict() SetPropsFromDict(q, props) return q
[docs]def MolToMolWithAtoms(mol: rdChem.Mol) -> rdChem.Mol: """Convert Mol with QueryAtoms to Mol with Atoms""" normal_mol = rdChem.RWMol(mol) for i, atom in enumerate(mol.GetAtoms()): normal_mol.ReplaceAtom(i, AtomFromQueryAtom(atom)) # normal_mol.ClearComputedProperties() return rdChem.Mol(normal_mol)
[docs]def MolToMolWithQueryAtoms( mol: rdChem.Mol, strict: bool = False, includeIsotopes: bool = True ) -> rdChem.Mol: """Convert Mol with Atoms to Mol with QueryAtoms""" query_mol = rdChem.RWMol(mol) for i, atom in enumerate(mol.GetAtoms()): q = AtomToQueryAtom(atom, strict=strict, includeIsotope=includeIsotopes) query_mol.ReplaceAtom(i, q) # query_mol.ClearComputedProperties() return rdChem.Mol(query_mol)
[docs]def MolAsMolWithAtoms(mol: rdChem.Mol) -> rdChem.Mol: """If Mol contains Chem.QueryAtoms, convert to Mol with Chem.Atoms If Mol already is composed of Atoms, returns the same object """ if not any(isinstance(atom, rdChem.QueryAtom) for atom in mol.GetAtoms()): return mol return MolToMolWithAtoms(mol)
[docs]def MolAsMolWithQueryAtoms( mol: rdChem.Mol, strict: bool = False, includeIsotopes: bool = True ) -> rdChem.Mol: """If Mol contains Chem.Atoms, convert to Mol with Chem.QueryAtoms If Mol already is composed of QueryAtoms, returns the same object """ if all(isinstance(atom, rdChem.QueryAtom) for atom in mol.GetAtoms()): return mol return MolToMolWithQueryAtoms(mol, strict=strict, includeIsotopes=includeIsotopes)