Source code for rdkit_utilities.rdmolfiles

RDKit utilities

from typing import Optional, Dict
from typing_extensions import Literal

from rdkit import Chem as rdChem

from ._io._rdmolfiles import *
from ._io._parser import ALL_RDKIT_PARSERS, molecule_from_input

[docs]@reorder_constructed_molecule def MolFromInput( molInput: str, *args, inputFormat: Optional[Literal[(*ALL_RDKIT_PARSERS,)]] = None, # type: ignore orderByMapNumber: bool = False, clearAtomMapNumbers: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[rdChem.Mol]: """Construct RDKit Mol from input with optional format. This accepts any input that RDKit can parse, and looks for the appropriate function to load the data. Parameters ---------- molInput: str Molecule data or filename *args Passed to the RDKit parsing function inputFormat Format of `molInput`. If not given, it's guessed from the extension of the filename, or all of RDKit's content parsers are tried one-by-one. orderByMapNumber: bool Whether to reorder the molecule by atom map number clearAtomMapNumbers: bool Whether to remove / set all atom map numbers to 0 """ return molecule_from_input(molInput, *args, mol_format=inputFormat, **kwargs)