Source code for rdkit_utilities.rdForceFieldHelpers

from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Literal

from rdkit import Chem as rdChem
from rdkit.Chem import rdForceFieldHelpers as rdFF
from rdkit.ForceField.rdForceField import ForceField as RDForceField


[docs]def GetMoleculeForceField( mol: rdChem.Mol, forcefield: RDKIT_FF_NAME_TYPE = "MMFF94", ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool = True, vdwThresh: float = 10.0, nonBondedThresh: float = 100.0, confId: int = -1, ) -> RDForceField: """Get molecule force field with string Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol Molecule of interest forcefield: Literal["UFF", "MMFF", "MMFF94", "MMFF94S"] Force field name. If an MMFF force field is used, you can choose the MMFF94 or MMFF94s variant. "MMFF" defaults to MMFF94. ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool If True, nonbonded terms between fragments will not be added to the forcefield. vdwThresh: float Used to exclude long-range van der Waals interactions. Only used for the UFF force field. nonBondedThresh: float Used to exclude long-range non-bonded interactions. Only used for the MMFF force field. confId: int Which conformer to optimize Returns ------- rdkit.Chem.rdForceFieldHelpers.ForceField """ if mol.GetNumConformers() == 0: raise ValueError("Molecule must have conformers to create a force field") forcefield = forcefield.upper() if forcefield not in RDKIT_FF_NAMES: raise ValueError( f"{forcefield} is not a supported force field. " "Supporte force fields: " + ", ".join(RDKIT_FF_NAMES) ) if forcefield == "UFF": if not rdFF.UFFHasAllMoleculeParams(mol): raise ValueError( "MMFF force field does not contain all parameters " f"for given molecule: {rdChem.MolToSmarts(mol)}" ) return rdFF.UFFGetMoleculeForceField( mol, vdwThresh=vdwThresh, confId=confId, ignoreInterfragInteractions=ignoreInterfragInteractions, ) # associate MMFF with variants if forcefield == "MMFF": forcefield = "MMFF94" elif forcefield == "MMFF94S": forcefield = "MMFF94s" if not rdFF.MMFFHasAllMoleculeParams(mol): raise ValueError( "MMFF force field does not contain all parameters " f"for given molecule: {rdChem.MolToSmarts(mol)}" ) molprops = rdFF.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(mol, mmffVariant=forcefield) return rdFF.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField( mol, molprops, nonBondedThresh=nonBondedThresh, confId=confId, ignoreInterfragInteractions=ignoreInterfragInteractions, )
[docs]def FFOptimizeMolecule( mol: rdChem.Mol, forcefield: RDKIT_FF_TYPE = "MMFF94", maxIters: int = 200, vdwThresh: float = 10.0, nonBondedThresh: float = 100.0, confId: int = -1, ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool = True, ) -> int: """Optimize molecule Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol Molecule of interest forcefield: Literal["UFF", "MMFF", "MMFF94", "MMFF94S"] or RDKit force field Force field name or RDKit force field. If an MMFF force field is used, you can choose the MMFF94 or MMFF94s variant. "MMFF" defaults to MMFF94. maxIters: int the maximum number of iterations ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool If True, nonbonded terms between fragments will not be added to the forcefield. vdwThresh: float Used to exclude long-range van der Waals interactions. Only used for the UFF force field. nonBondedThresh: float Used to exclude long-range non-bonded interactions. Only used for the MMFF force field. confId: int Which conformer to optimize Returns ------- success: int 0 if the optimization converged, 1 if more iterations are required. """ if isinstance(forcefield, str): forcefield = GetMoleculeForceField( mol, forcefield=forcefield, vdwThresh=vdwThresh, nonBondedThresh=nonBondedThresh, confId=confId, ignoreInterfragInteractions=ignoreInterfragInteractions, ) return rdFF.OptimizeMolecule(forcefield, maxIters=maxIters)
[docs]def FFOptimizeMoleculeConfs( mol: rdChem.Mol, forcefield: RDKIT_FF_TYPE = "MMFF94", maxIters: int = 200, numThreads: int = 1, vdwThresh: float = 10.0, nonBondedThresh: float = 100.0, confId: int = -1, ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool = True, ) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]: """Optimize molecule conformers Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol Molecule of interest forcefield: Literal["UFF", "MMFF", "MMFF94", "MMFF94S"] or RDKit force field Force field name or RDKit force field. If an MMFF force field is used, you can choose the MMFF94 or MMFF94s variant. "MMFF" defaults to MMFF94. maxIters: int the maximum number of iterations numThreads: int the number of threads to use, only has an effect if the RDKit was built with thread support (defaults to 1). If set to zero, the max supported by the system will be used. ignoreInterfragInteractions: bool If True, nonbonded terms between fragments will not be added to the forcefield. vdwThresh: float Used to exclude long-range van der Waals interactions. Only used for the UFF force field. nonBondedThresh: float Used to exclude long-range non-bonded interactions. Only used for the MMFF force field. confId: int Which conformer to optimize Returns ------- success_energies: List[Tuple[int, float]] List of tuples of (success, energy) for each conformer. The success is 0 if the optimization converged, 1 if more iterations are required. """ if isinstance(forcefield, str): forcefield = GetMoleculeForceField( mol, forcefield=forcefield, vdwThresh=vdwThresh, nonBondedThresh=nonBondedThresh, confId=confId, ignoreInterfragInteractions=ignoreInterfragInteractions, ) return rdFF.OptimizeMoleculeConfs( mol, forcefield, maxIters=maxIters, numThreads=numThreads, )